We are looking for volunteers to join our Board of Directors and our Supervisory Committee. If you would are interested in volunteering and would like more information, please click here.

Raritan Bay FCU will be holding its Annual Meeting of Members on Wednesday, May 7, 2025. At this meeting, volunteer officers are elected to the Board of Directors. Raritan Bay FCU is directed by unpaid volunteer Board Members. Those members wishing to run for a Board seat must submit a summary of their qualifications to the Board Secretary no later than January 21, 2025.


The Secretary will notify all members, who have submitted their qualifications, of the Nominating Committee’s recommendations by February 15, 2025.


We are also looking for a volunteer for our Supervisory Committee. This is an unpaid position that would meet with other committee members to ensure the financial soundness of the credit union.

All information for a Board of Director or Supervisory Committee position, must be submitted by

mail or in person to:

Secretary, Board of Directors

c/o Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union

491 Raritan Street

Sayreville, NJ 08872


All information including eligibility is subject to verification. Nominating Committee must be able to confirm membership.



Ronald C. Behrens



If you have any questions, please call us at 732-727-3500 or email us at marketing@raritanbayfcu.org.