Making your loan payment just got a whole lot easier! RBFCU is excited to announce we've partnered with MessagePay! Making your loan payment using your debit card or via ACH will be as simple as sending a text! Click here for more information!


April 10, 2011. Raritan Bay FCU Raises over $3,000 for the National MS Society Walk

Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union is a proud supporter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. As part of their dedication, TEAM RBFCU walked in this year’s annual MS Walk on Sunday, April 10 at Babbage Park in North Brunswick.

Raritan Bay FCU set a goal to raise $1,000.00 for this special event. They not only reached their goal but exceeded it by raising over $3,000.00 for this wonderful organization.

Research for Multiple Sclerosis has made some incredible advances recently, but the world can still only offer disease management drugs and therapies to the 400,000 people living with MS in America. One of the reasons we have formed a team for the MS Walk is because the National Multiple Sclerosis Society funds more MS research than any other private organization. In addition to supporting studies which hope to reveal the cause and course of the disease, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society also provides much needed education, programs and services to everyone who is affected by MS – including the diagnosed, their friends and families and the healthcare professionals who work with them. For more information on how you can help, please visit

Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union is a non-profit, community chartered financial institution that serves everyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Middlesex County. Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1941, and is owned and operated by its members.

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