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May 7, 2010. Raritan Bay FCU Holds 68th Annual Meeting

Sayreville, NJ – May 7, 2010. Raritan Bay FCU held their 68th Annual Meeting on Friday, May 7, 2010.

The newly elected table officers of Raritan Bay FCU are Fredrick Kreiss, Chairman; Robert Duffy, Vice Chairman; Lori Synarski, Secretary; and Thomas Weinman, Treasurer.

The 68th Annual Meeting was hosted by Frederick Kreiss, Raritan Bay FCU’s 2009 Chairman. He commended the members for their support, staff for their hard work, and Board for their leadership and guidance throughout the past year. He also announced that Raritan Bay FCU will be expanding and soon will open a branch on Route 27 in Edison near Highland Park.

Ronald C. Behrens, Raritan Bay FCU’s President/CEO, delivered the President’s Message, in which he emphasized Raritan Bay FCU’s commitment to serving our members. Behrens stated, “Our commitment is reflected not only in the great products and services that you use each day, but also in the decisions made through the entire organization at every level.” Mr. Behrens also remarked on the amount of new products and services added to the Credit Union in 2009, including Rewards Checking, Private Student Loans, Prepaid Debit Cards and Gift Cards. Looking towards the future Mr. Behrens said, “I believe we have taken the steps that will insure a bright future of growth and success for your credit union.”

During the meeting, Mr. Behrens presented several employees with Service Awards for their years of dedication to Raritan Bay FCU. They include: Nora Zebrowski and Nicole Kaminsky for 10 years of service; Theresa Brus and Patti Mathis for 5 years of service; Ricky Starek, Nick Scalera, Amy Kellar, Fran Scerbo, Kenny Wulle and Ashley Pereira for 1 year of service.

Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union is a non-profit, community chartered financial institution that serves everyone who lives, works, worships, or attends school in Middlesex County. Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union was chartered in 1941, and is owned and operated by its members. Visit Raritan Bay Federal Credit Union online at

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